12-18-2019 Notice of IL WC Arbitrator Assignments Effective January 1, 2020; IL WC System Moving to CompFile, the new e-filing system for Illinois WC cases online and more
/Synopsis: Notice of New IL WC Arbitrator Assignments Effective January 1, 2020.
Editor’s comment: As I advised previously, the “A” in TBA starts in 13 days! The gaps and confusion for hearings, motions and settlement contract approvals should be ending very shortly.
The following Arbitrators will be assigned and/or reassigned to the following Chicago Calls, effective January 1, 2020:
Arbitrator Joseph Amarilio will take the Chicago Call and claims previously designated as “TBA.”
Arbitrator Elaine Llerena will take the Call and pending claims previously designated as “Cellini.”
Arbitrator Christopher Harris will take the Call and pending claims previously designated as “TBA4.”
Arbitrator William McLaughlin will take the Call and all claims previously designated as “Robert Harris.”
All other Chicago WC Arbitration Assignments will remain as reported previously.
The following Arbitrators will be assigned and/or reassigned to the following “Downstate” or “Out-State” Zones, effective January 1, 2020:
Zone 1: Arbitrator Linda Cantrell will replace Arbitrator Edward Lee who is staying an Arbitrator but moving to a different Zone. Arbitrators Gallagher and Nowak will continue to serve and manage their existing claims in Zone 1.
Zone 2: Arbitrator Dennis O’Brien will take the call previously designated as “TBA5.” Arbitrator Edward Lee will take the call that was designated as Cantrell. Arbitrator Maureen Pulia will remain in Zone 2.
Zone 3: Arbitrator Adam Hinrichs will take the call previously designated as “Paul Seal.” Arbitrators Rowe-Sullivan and Granada will continue to serve in Zone 3.
Zone 4: Arbitrator Cellini will take the call previously designated as “Dollison.” Arbitrator Doherty will take the call previously designated as “TBA2” and Arbitrator Hegarty will take the call previously designated as “Erbacci.” Arbitrator Erbacci is moving to a different zone.
Zone 5: Arbitrator Erbacci will take the call previously designated as “Hegarty.” Arbitrator Seal will take the call previously designated as “Doherty” and Arbitrator Glaub will remain in Zone 5.
Zone 6: Arbitrator Robert Harris will take the call previously designated as “Ory.” Arbitrators Soto and Friedman will remain in Zone 6.
To our understanding, Arbitrators Greg Dollison and Christine Ory are retiring or have retired already. They are both veteran and knowledgeable professionals and will be missed. The defense team at KCB&A salutes their hard work for the IWCC over the years.
Synopsis: The IL WC Commission has announced CompFile, the future e-filing system for managing Illinois workers' compensation cases online.
Editor’s comment: We understand the IWCC contracted with Microsoft© to implement the CompFile system and kicked off the project in the Summer 2019.
CompFile will include the following features:
Online accounts for attorneys on both sides
Electronic filing of applications and other litigation documents
Electronic submission of settlements—everyone hopes this process will move much faster, moving forward
Electronic delivery of notices and decisions
Secure, online access to case information and documents
The CompFile Project Team will roll out the new system in 3 phases.
The first phase is scheduled for early 2020 will involve attorney and firm registration. The entire project is to be fully functional and completed by late 2020.
Some key benefits of CompFile include reduced usage of paper, real-time access to court filings and documents, immediate verification of successful filing, and electronic service of documents on counsel.
Stay tuned for details about training.
There will be numerous opportunities for in-person and virtual training on CompFile throughout the project.
There will also be a dedicated CompFile support team for users.
The IWCC will regularly update their website to share additional information on this project.
You can also send any questions regarding the implementation to their dedicated CompFile e-mail address, wcc.compfile@illinois.gov.