10-22-2018; Shawn Biery on OSHA Interp of Drug Testing/Safety Incentives; Kevin Boyle on IN WC Update--Must Read and more

Synopsis: OSHA provides “Standard Interpretation” clarifying the Obama-era guidance which circumscribed post-incident drug testing and prohibited incentive programs. Research and Analysis by Shawn R. Biery, J.D., MSCC.


Editor’s comment:  We have regularly fielded questions regarding the post-incident drug testing guidance which was implemented, clarified, paused, re-clarified, and as confusing as any of the guidelines which seemed to fly in the face of actual common sense safety enforcement in the workplace.


https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/standardinterpretations/2018-10-11 is a welcome clarification of OSHA’s 2016 retaliation rule which left employers uncertain about what programs were permissible and whether they would face citations for long-standing safety programs aimed at encouraging safe behaviors and reducing injury rates.


This new clarification intends to “to clarify the Department’s position that [the rule] does not prohibit workplace safety incentive programs or post-incident drug testing. The Department believes that many employers who implement safety incentive programs and/or conduct post-incident drug testing do so to promote workplace safety and health.”


It goes on to follow the same suggestion we have been providing for years in that the clarification explains that “evidence that the employer consistently enforces legitimate work rules (whether or not an injury or illness is reported) would demonstrate that the employer is serious about creating a culture of safety, not just the appearance of reducing rates.”


Post-incident drug testing policies and safety incentive programs will be considered retaliatory and unlawful only where they seek “to penalize an employee for reporting a work-related injury or illness rather than for the legitimate purpose of promoting workplace safety and health.” Properly formulated and lawful post-incident drug testing policies and safety incentive programs will be permitted and will not result in OSHA citations.


OSHA’s position on post-incident drug testing has been confusing to employers who already had enough to deal with in the face of investigating workplace safety incidents. The Standard Interpretation clarifies that “most instances of workplace drug testing are permissible,” including:


  • Random drug testing;

  • Drug testing unrelated to the reporting of a work-related injury or illness;

  • Drug testing under a state workers’ compensation law;

  • Drug testing under other federal law, such as a U.S. Department of Transportation rule;

  • Drug testing to evaluate the root cause of a workplace incident that harmed or could have harmed employees.


It should be noted, if the employer chooses to use drug testing to investigate the incident, the employer should test all employees whose conduct could have contributed to the incident, not just employees who reported injuries.


Accordingly, employers may lawfully implement, random drug testing programs, DOT drug testing programs, drug testing programs under a Collective Bargaining Agreement, and post-incident (also “post-accident”) drug-testing programs. AGAIN—Post-incident drug testing should be conducted consistently on any employee whose conduct may have contributed to the accident, and not merely the employee who was injured in an accident. OSHA reiterates that employers may not use a post-injury drug testing program, which the Agency views as retaliatory and also exposes employers to worker’s compensation retaliation tort claims.


Because Illinois has an Intoxication section in the IL WC Act, most instances in which an employer seeks a post-accident test should be permissible. As noted, only in cases where seeking the test appears to be retaliatory would such testing be impermissible.


OSHA Also Permits Safety Incentive Programs


The Standard Interpretation also reverses course on the 2016 retaliation regulation’s prohibition of safety programs. With limited adjustments, OSHA now permits employers to bring back reporting-based safety programs, which the Standard Interpretation lauds as an “important tool to promote workplace safety and health.” The Standard Interpretation permits a program which offers a prize or bonus at the end of an injury-free month. OSHA’s new position thus permits employers to bring back bonuses, meals and prizes and also permits programs which evaluate managers based on their work unit’s lack of injuries.


It is important to pay attention to the conditions in which you can lawfully implement such a safety program. The employer must implement “adequate precautions” to ensure that employees feel free to report an injury or illness and are not discouraged from reporting. According to OSHA, a mere statement that employees are encouraged to report and will not face retaliation is insufficient.


Employers need to undertake their choice of additional “adequate precautions,” such as:


  • An incentive program which rewards employees for identifying unsafe conditions in the workplace; or

  • A training program for all employees to reinforce reporting rights and responsibilities and emphasizes the employer’s non-retaliation policy; or

  • A mechanism for accurately evaluating employees’ willingness to report injuries and illnesses.


It will likely be important to detail your permitted and encouraged safety incentive programs to verify you intend to reward employees for identifying unsafe conditions in the workplace. It is also important to conduct brief training on reporting illnesses and injuries, which may be as easy as a current employee seminar and then adding similar info to your initial orientation for new hires. The “mechanism for accurately evaluating employees willingness to report” may be a variety of options including either a regularly scheduled safety meeting, or a random questionnaire on employee willingness to report injuries and illnesses.


We suggest reviewing your prior programs and considering re-implementation or adoption of both of these drug screen and safety programs which historically do appear to be effective at reducing workplace injury rates.


This article was researched and written by Shawn R. Biery, JD, MSCC. For any questions regarding these or other important issues, you can contact Shawn at sbiery@keefe-law.com.



Synopsis: Two Updates on Indiana Worker’s Compensation. This is a “Must Read.” Comment by Kevin Boyle, Our Indiana WC Team Leader at Keefe Campbell Biery & Associates, LLC.


Editor’s comment:

Faster Section 15 Approvals After IWCB’s New E-Filing Procedures.  

I am happy to report that the IWCB’s switch in the past months from paper-filing Section 15s to e-filing seems to be working great for us and our clients. We’re achieving much faster Approval turn-around times now that we can directly submit the Section 15s to the judges. If you aren’t getting faster Approvals now, let me know.

Also, I can pass the new efficiencies on to you. I am generally able to prepare draft Section 15s within 24 hours. If your current Indiana counsel can’t do that, give me a try soon.  

Please also remember that the new e-filing procedures are just for Section 15s and not for 1043s or other filing which still must be submitted in paper form and mailed.

New Lower Indiana Worker’s Compensation Rates Effective 1-1-2019.

The Indiana Department of Insurance just announced lower workers’ compensation rates paid by businesses will take effect on January 1, 2019. The recently approved reduction averages 7.6 percent and will save businesses about $63 million. The IDI says Indiana workers’ compensation rates have been on a downward trend for several years because of fewer worker injuries.

Also, growing Indiana payrolls create a larger base for collecting premiums, and that also contributes to the lower rates.  It still makes sense to do business in Indiana.



Featured Event:



IL Workers' Compensation

Preferred Provider Program with Shawn Biery, J.D.


Tuesday | October 30th, 2018

11:00am - 12:30pm




Join the Illinois Chamber and Shawn R. Biery from Keefe, Campbell, Biery & Associates for a webinar on October 30, 2018 to learn about Preferred Provider Programs as they relate to Illinois Workers’ Compensation.


Shawn will summarize the language of the Illinois WC Act and the path of PPPs in Illinois from legislation to implementation and current updates. Learn the potential impact on Workers’ Compensation if you join a PPP and potential strategies to increase your ability to manage workers’ compensation claims and navigate the medical issues which create much of the stress and drama involved with workers’ compensation.


Register Here

10-15-2018; Gov. Rauner Reformed IL WC and Doesn't Know It!!--See State of Oregon WC Premium Rate Rankings; IL WC Wage Diff Benefits Will Certainly Change Under Projected IL Governor JB Pritzker

Synopsis: Governor Rauner Truly “Reformed” the IL WC System and Doesn’t Know It!


Editor’s comment: One difficult aspect of being an observer and critic of a government system like workers’ compensation is finding statistically significant sources to allow comparisons between other states’ WC systems and ours. Business and labor always struggle to make sense of whether workers compensation benefits are “appropriate” in level to take care of injured workers. I am constantly asked by clients and potential clients, does the IL WC system encourage investment by businesses and local governments to bring new jobs to this State? For many years, the answer to that has been either an outright no or a cautious maybe. For the first time in decades of watching, I now have good news to report.


In almost four decades of watching and weighing our IL WC system, I am confident the only place we can look to for true statistical significance is the Every-Other-Year Survey of All 50 States and D.C. by the think tank at the State of Oregon Dep’t of Consumer and Business Services. I salute Chris Day and Jay Dotter, the authors of this great study. Their statistical analysis and report was sent to me by a reader and is available on their website right now at




I have attached it to this email also. I hope your spam blocker didn’t block it.


If you look, you will note Illinois WC Insurance Premium Ranking is 22d among the 50 States and D.C. If you carefully review it, you will note our sister state to the north, Wisconsin is higher in costs than us at 11th place with an index rate of 2.02. In short, the Cheesehead WC system is lots higher for their businesses and local governments than ours. In contrast, Missouri is at 27th and Michigan is at 37th. Yes, Kevin Boyle, our KCB&A IN WC defense team leader wants me to confirm for all of my readers the IN WC still is a bottom-feeder at 50th place. If a U.S. business doesn’t care much about their injured workers, IN may be the right place to move to. I assure you Kevin Boyle can help you navigate the system and save big bucks. That said, I will comment more on IN WC below.


Why Doesn’t Governor Rauner Appear to Know of His Success of Bringing IL WC Benefits to the Middle of the Pack?


I am closely watching the Governor’s Race. His website makes no mention of this very new national WC rating.


I have been carefully watching our Governor who I have met at least twice. He initially and blindly wanted IL WC legislative “reforms” that wouldn’t have reformed anything and might have made our benefit system more expansive and expensive at the same time. I hope the State Chamber or someone put the kibosh on those plans. I don’t know what changed his mind but he did refocus to make the new reforms work.


If you read my blog from three-four years ago, I assure you I forecast precisely what happened—Governor Rauner didn’t need new laws for WC reform, he needed new administrators who were intent on making the system more professional, more fair and one that adhered to common sense principles of WC law. Not sure how but he got it done and the new administrators/hearing officers are great. Long may they wave—I mean--keep their positions.


My worry for IL business right now is the Democrats are poised to make this a one-party State like Chicago is a one-party city. “Democracy” in both Illinois and Chicago is gone with the wind, folks. Please assume the party in power will continue to consolidate their winnings and render the opposition empty and worthless. Starting shortly, the statewide “election” to watch will be the Democratic primary because no one is going to invest in or vote for a State Republican candidate that will have no chance of winning. I am not happy to report this; my problem is no media outlet is admitting this is where this State is certain to be after this hilariously one-sided election. I strongly predict a Democrat landslide for all Statewide and legislative positions.


Summary on the Oregon WC Premium Rate Ranking


Please note my thoughts, as a defense attorney and observer, this survey documents our State is wonderfully positioned just above the middle of the pack in WC premium costs for the U.S. In my humble view, that is a great place to be. I hope we can stay there. Why do I feel this way?


Businesses and our IL State Chamber can’t beef that our IL WC benefits are staggeringly high and are driving jobs out of state. They no longer are high—they are mid-stream and fair. If you aren’t sure, under Blagojevich-now-in-prison, we rose to number 3 in the country which caused a lot of consternation in the IL business community and sent a lot of folks packing with jobs that won’t ever be back.


On the other side, IL Labor can’t beef our IL WC benefits are low and don’t provide enough money for real work accidents and real injuries. By definition, our IL WC benefits are moderate and reasonable when compared to other states, particularly most of our sister states. If you compare IL WC benefits to the IN WC system, I can demonstrate how painfully low IN is in compensating for serious injuries and fatalities. In my view, their WC premiums are low due to embarrassingly low work-injury benefits.


I strongly hope our Democrat legislative team sees the value in keeping IL workers’ comp in the middle and out of the controversy that would come with being very low or very high as compared to other State WC systems. I strongly hope we don’t see our soon-to-be new chubby Governor Pritzker start bringing in liberal and radical administrators who will spike IL WC costs and bring us back to the headlines for silly WC rulings and runaway costs.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments. Please post them on our award-winning blog.



Synopsis: Please Note IL WC Wage Diff Benefits Will Certainly Change Under Projected IL Governor JB Pritzker.


Editor’s comment: JB Pritzker is leading by double-digits, folks. In my view, our new Governor- to-be JB Pritzker promises two important things—higher income taxes and a higher IL minimum wage that may be $15 per hour. To put this into place, he is going to want to present legislation as soon after the election as possible so you and I forgive and forget the fury about the higher income tax thing.


Illinois Statewide Minimum Wage Will Almost Double Shortly After Gov Election Goes To Pritzker


Candidate Pritzker is leading the election polls and appears to be a lock to win. What are called “Republicans-Against-Winning” have their goofy splinter candidate running in a fashion that can only insure he and his silly supporters block Gov Rauner’s efforts to keep his job. It is one of the oddest things about the Republican party in this nutty state. They are almost proud to empower IL State Democrats in a vain effort to maintain their supposed “purity” on one minor issue to which they are eternally devoted. Happy to explain this phenomenon further if you want it—send a reply.


In my seasoned and veteran view, as fast as JB Pritzker wins the election in about four weeks, we will see new income taxes and a $15 per hour minimum wage bill hit the IL House and Senate. I assure you this new law is going to change the IL WC system in several ways.


First, full-time workers at any level across our state will be making something like $600 a week making their TTD rate about $400 and PPD rate about $360. That is going to cost WC insurers and self-insured employers more money in WC benefits. Those higher costs are unavoidable once the minimum wage is hiked.


Next, this new higher wage is going to drive many companies to automate many jobs. We have already seen McDonald’s put in kiosks to have customers automatically order food and allow them to lay off some workers. They are going to be matched by dozens of other companies in lots of industries.


Further, my sister is an exec at a supply company that has minimum wage workers in this state customize and assemble supply orders for shipping to clients. She has advised they are already in the process of moving that work to other states—once moved, those jobs won’t be back. That is going to impact lots and lots of folks and will eventually impact the IL WC system.


Finally, please note any IL WC claim involving pending wage loss differential benefits will need to be re-reserved as the higher minimum wage is certain to lower wage loss outcomes. If a worker can locate a full-time job, they will be making no less than $15 per hour in this State. That will forever limit wage loss diff claims for all but the best paid tradesmen/women.


I had an insurance broker ask why Claimant attorneys still seem to think the minimum wage will be less than $10 per hour. I assure you that thinking is erroneous. The reason Plaintiff-Petitioner attorneys are still asking for wage loss settlements as if the minimum wage will remain low is because they want more money from you. Their job is to represent their clients and not give you the 411 on the projected IL minimum wage. Don’t be taken advantage of—reply or call me to discuss.


Please put current wage loss diff settlements on hold for about sixty days. If you want further information or advice on this, send me a reply. I may save you thousands of bucks, if you do so.



Synopsis: The Importance of Surveillance in IL WC—My vote for your next surveillance job is Dean Gluth of Infomax.


Editor’s comment: IL WC Defense is characterized by one interesting concept—there is little formal pre-trial “discovery” to allow the parties to get a sense of the other side’s claim. One way to get defense information on a moderate to major IL WC claim is surveillance. Even surveillance the provides a normal picture of Claimant can be helpful, if the injured worker comes in to whine, whine and whine some more during a pre-trial or trial about their post-injury condition. If surveillance documents recovery or MMI to full duty, you may have a winner.


The best IL surveillance maven is easy to locate—Dean Gluth of Infomax. if you have the ability to hire him within your WC insurance protocols, consider doing so. I have seen numerous WC claims across the country turn in the employer’s favor when good surveillance protocols, like those used by Dean Gluth, are followed.  Please also remember if surveillance documents an injured worker who truly appears to be suffering from the effects of a serious injury, you have done your job to document, document, document your file to justify the ongoing payment of benefits. My vote—if a worker is off work for six months or more, consider calling Dean Gluth to insure you are paying benefits when benefits are due.


Dean Gluth does solid work and holds all the appropriate certifications. He can be reached at:

"The Super Sleuth"
Licensed Private Detective (IL, IN, WI)
InfoMAX Investigations, Inc.
P.O. Box 681175
Schaumburg, IL 60168
office (847)301-1475
cell (847)833-0717

* Board Member (Member At Large)  NCISS (National Council of Investigation & Security Services)
* Board Member  ADSAI (Associated Detectives & Security Agencies of Illinois)
* Member  INSPI (Indiana Society of Professional Investigators)
* Member  IAPI (Indiana Association of Professional Investigators)
* Member  PAWLI (Professional Association of Wisconsin Licensed Investigators)
* Member  ILAPPS (Illinois Association of Professional Process Servers)
* Member  Illinois Chamber of Commerce (and on their Illinois WC Reform Committee)
* Board Member  IDFPR (Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation)



Featured Event:



IL Workers' Compensation

Preferred Provider Program with Shawn Biery, J.D.


Tuesday | October 30th, 2018

11:00am - 12:30pm



Join the Illinois Chamber and Shawn R. Biery from Keefe, Campbell, Biery & Associates for a webinar on October 30, 2018 to learn about Preferred Provider Programs as they relate to Illinois Workers’ Compensation.


Shawn will summarize the language of the Illinois WC Act and the path of PPPs in Illinois from legislation to implementation and current updates. Learn the potential impact on Workers’ Compensation if you join a PPP and potential strategies to increase your ability to manage workers’ compensation claims and navigate the medical issues which create much of the stress and drama involved with workers’ compensation.


Register Here

10-8-2018; Can IL WC Move to Create a WC Muni Department to Insure Small Claims Move Faster?; Use Surveillance in the Right Claim--Consider Dean Gluth of InfoMax and more

Synopsis: The Problem with Little IL WC Claims Continues to Grow—What Can We Do To Make Sense of Little/Low Budget but Bona Fide Claims?


Editor’s Comment: I promise defense firms, like KCB&A are seeing this much more than Petitioner firms. That said, all of the components of the IL WC system are starting to feel the pressure of handling small claims smoothly and in a cost-effective fashion. What I am sure is happening is the Petitioner/Plaintiff Bar knows the math on smaller settlements—let’s say under $10,000 in total reserves. We have seen Petitioner-Plaintiff firms start to stall and stall to insure our self-insured employers and WC insurance carriers pay more money to get simple stuff closed.


Is Such a Claims Strategy Unethical?


I will let you decide. The IL Supreme Court Rules prohibit an attorney from stalling during litigation to gain an advantage. I have also seen lots of attorneys censured, sanctioned or suspended for letting civil claims sit for a year or two. I am also sure there are lots of IL WC Claimant lawyers who stall and stall and stall and get mad if you tell them to stop stalling and put the claim to a hearing.


In contrast to rapid movement of IL WC claims, I am sure there is a central IL litigator who routinely allows his IL claims sit for three, five, seven or more years without any action. His never-ending mantra is “I need to get medical records, your honor.”


If that happened in the central IL circuit courts, judges would routinely dismiss the claims and never reinstate. The IWCC arbitrators and Commissioners don’t truly “wink” at such handling but they occasionally but rarely put down the hammer to send the needed message to that attorney and others to get their claims ready and off the docket in three years or less. The bigger problem arises when a small claim isn’t worth $5,000 and Claimant’s counsel won’t settle or try the claim solely to make such claims painful for the carrier or employer.


Gene’s Thoughts on Small IL WC Claims That Sit Forever.


I assure my readers there needs to be a requirement our IL WC claims are “large” or “small.” Right now, the Muni Courts in Cook County separate claims under $30K to a special docket that handles them well. Judges and litigants in the Muni courts know they have a simple requirement—get your claims and litigation to end in a year or so.


The worry I now have is JB Pritzker who is almost certain to be elected in less than a month. He is going to hire new administrators that may let claims sit for decades—Pritzker’s goal is to award the Plaintiff-bar for their support for his nutty candidacy.

Why Is Such Fast-Track Administrative Handling Important for Both Sides in the IL WC Matrix?


Well, it isn’t hard to fathom. If you have a claim for a broken pinky toe, the best way for a Claimant lawyer to make it more valuable is to quietly STALL. The longer the claim goes, the more money the insurance carrier or self-insured employer will invest to get rid of it and take it off their docket. Defense counsels are made to look like they have no control while claims wait to go over the “red line” at two-and-a-half years. That is exactly how the IL WC system is NOT supposed to work. The idea is to insure certainty of benefits and fair payment of medical bills, lost time and permanency/impairment. Lawyers shouldn’t be allowed to maximize value of small claims by stalling.


We urge the IWCC to consider creating a small claims and large claims system to make sense of handling of such litigation. There is no reason a soft-tissue back strain should sit for three years or more. We need to get folks to MMI and then back to work and move the claim forward.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments. Please post them on our award-winning blog.



Synopsis: The Importance of Surveillance in IL WC—My vote for your next surveillance job is Dean Gluth of Infomax.


Editor’s comment: IL WC Defense is characterized by one interesting concept—there is little formal pre-trial “discovery” to allow the parties to get a sense of the other side’s claim. One way to get defense information on a moderate to major IL WC claim is surveillance. Even surveillance the provides a normal picture of Claimant can be helpful, if the injured worker comes in to whine, whine and whine some more during a pre-trial or trial about their post-injury condition. If surveillance documents recovery or MMI to full duty, you may have a winner.


The best IL surveillance maven is easy to locate—Dean Gluth of Infomax. if you have the ability to hire him within your WC insurance protocols, consider doing so.


I have seen numerous WC claims across the country turn in the employer’s favor when good surveillance protocols, like those used by Dean Gluth, are followed.  Please also remember if surveillance documents an injured worker who truly appears to be suffering from the effects of a serious injury, you have done your job to document, document, document your file to justify the ongoing payment of benefits. My vote—if a worker is off work for six months or more, consider calling Dean Gluth to insure you are paying benefits when benefits are due.


Dean Gluth does solid work and holds all the appropriate certifications.

"The Super Sleuth"
Licensed Private Detective (IL, IN, WI)
InfoMAX Investigations, Inc.
P.O. Box 681175
Schaumburg, IL 60168
office (847)301-1475
cell (847)833-0717

* Board Member (Member At Large)  NCISS (National Council of Investigation & Security Services)
* Board Member  ADSAI (Associated Detectives & Security Agencies of Illinois)
* Member  INSPI (Indiana Society of Professional Investigators)
* Member  IAPI (Indiana Association of Professional Investigators)
* Member  PAWLI (Professional Association of Wisconsin Licensed Investigators)
* Member  ILAPPS (Illinois Association of Professional Process Servers)
* Member  Illinois Chamber of Commerce (and on their Illinois WC Reform Committee)
* Board Member  IDFPR (Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation)


Dean Gluth

President / Licensed Private Detective (IL, IN & WI) InfoMAX Investigations, Inc.

Schaumburg, Illinois


Featured Event:



IL Workers' Compensation

Preferred Provider Program with Shawn Biery, J.D.


Tuesday | October 30th, 2018

11:00am - 12:30pm




Join the Illinois Chamber and Shawn R. Biery from Keefe, Campbell, Biery & Associates for a webinar on October 30, 2018 to learn about Preferred Provider Programs as they relate to Illinois Workers’ Compensation.


Shawn will summarize the language of the Illinois WC Act and the path of PPPs in Illinois from legislation to implementation and current updates. Learn the potential impact on Workers’ Compensation if you join a PPP and potential strategies to increase your ability to manage workers’ compensation claims and navigate the medical issues which create much of the stress and drama involved with workers’ compensation.


Register Here